Why not choose three to say to yourself every day? You can even start each one with: "Just for today . . . " if it makes it more achievable for you.
I promise to never abandon myself.
I promise to love both my darkness and my light.
I promise to honour my inner knowing, even when I'm afraid.
I promise to show myself the same love I so willingly show others.
I promise to always come back to myself, no matter how far I stray.
I promise to find beauty in the small wonders of my daily life.
I promise to never dim my light to make others comfortable.
I promise to say yes to new opportunities that align with my vision of the most beautiful life I can imagine for myself.
I promise to release what no longer serves me to make more space for new beginnings.
I promise to remain open to new possibilities that go far beyond anything I could ever dream of for myself.
I promise to stand in my power.
I promise to stand in my worthiness.
I promise to separate my worthiness from my achievements.
I promise to step back for a few quiet moments each day to pause, close my eyes, and just listen.
I promise to speak to myself with kindness in the privacy of my own mind.
I promise to be mindful and deliberate of my thoughts and actions.
And when I recognise that I haven't been mindful or deliberate, I promise to recognise without judgment and realign with my true self.
I promise to listen to what others say, but always seek my own truth.
I promise to serve myself before I try to serve others.
I promise to trust that everything will work out for my highest good.
I promise that whatever I'm seeking, I'll look for it within first.
I promise to step outside my comfort zone, even if that first step is timid and uncertain.
I promise to not let fear of the unknown stop me from stepping forward on my rightful path.
I promise to lean into all of my emotions, the good and the heavy.
I promise to lean into joy daily.
I promise to lean into grief when it comes, instead of hiding from it.
I promise to spread beauty wherever I go.
I promise to be a friend to my body.
I promise to listen to my body's needs.
I promise to feed my body and my soul with unconditional love.
I promise to do what feels right, even if it isn't popular.
I promise to love myself without conditions.
I promise to seek connection over validation.
I promise to choose faith over fear.
I promise to view life through a lens of gratitude.
I promise to love and honour my Shadow as much as I love and honour my Light.
I promise to take deep breaths and ground myself in this present moment.
I promise to take time to celebrate myself for all that I am, and how far I've come.
I promise to allow myself to be celebrated by others.
I promise to make space each day to focus solely on my mind, body, and soul.
I promise to accept help and kindness from others.
I promise to find peace in solitude.
I promise to make space for play.
I promise to remain open to new connections.
I promise to let myself feel all of my emotions.
I promise to choose pain over numbness.
I promise to forgive myself. There may be times when I forget to be the highest version of myself. When I forget to choose faith over fear. And sometimes, I may lose myself to the external stresses of daily life. That's okay. I am still worthy. I am always worthy.
I promise that even when the world is cloaked in darkness, I will always look for the light.
And I promise that when I don't see the light outside of myself, I'll look for it within.
I promise to seek connection, not validation, from others.
I promise to validate myself and own my worthiness.
I promise to love myself wholly, even the parts of me that I've tried to suppress and hide, because every single part of me is worthy of love and compassion.
I promise not to settle for less than I deserve.
I promise to forgive myself for the times in my life when I numbed myself and chose to hide.
I promise to have love and compassion for all of my past experiences.
I promise to remember that the broken pieces inside of me are not empty; they are filled with solid gold.
I promise to walk away from situations that do not serve my growth, help me to heal, lift me up, bring me joy, or contribute to my total well-being.
I promise to be a friend to the beautiful human being I see every time I look in the mirror.
I promise to release doing every once in a while, and open myself up to just being.
I promise to always choose hope, trust, faith, and belief.
I promise to lean into the messiness of healing - to let this path be jagged, irregular, twisting, bumpy, lopsided, and off-centre. To remember that sometimes I may take a step back but ultimately I'm always moving forward.
I promise to let myself heal from the same pain more than once if I need to.
I promise I will not chastise myself if my wounds reopen but instead, I will give them the tender care they deserve.
I promise to stay true to my authentic self.
I promise to never let any external forces discredit my feelings and opinions.
And I promise not to allow myself to discredit my own feelings and opinions, either.
I promise to stay open to falling more in love with myself.
I promise to love myself fully as I continue to grow.
I promise to hold myself with integrity.
I promise to allow myself to be praised, adored, treasured, and cherished.
And I promise to praise, adore, treasure, and cherish myself.
I promise to walk through the open door of opportunity in front of me with courage and faith.
I promise to show myself kindness when I make a mistake.
I promise to always remember that whatever I do today is enough.
I promise to hold space for myself and honour my needs.
I promise to breathe into the stillness of this moment.
I promise to walk amongst the wildflowers and let the sunshine spread its warmth across my skin.
I promise to love fully and deeply, and to allow my whole heart to be seen.
I promise to walk with my bare feet touching the Earth, and to let myself feel everything.
I promise to choose hope, even when the future is uncertain.
I promise to live and love boldly.
I promise to be a gentle voice of love and compassion for all.
I promise not to be afraid of my own darkness.
I promise to decorate my life with beauty, connection, and enriching experiences.
I promise to release self-criticism and choose self-love.
I promise to say no to anything that doesn't serve the highest good for all.
I promise to cultivate a life where my soul feels safe in my body.
I promise to let myself take up space.
I promise to seek growth through adversity.
I promise to learn to love myself fully, even as I continue to evolve, transform, and grow.
I promise to always remember that I am worthy of beautiful friendships and lasting relationships.
I promise to believe in my own undeniable strength.
I promise to allow all experiences I encounter to shape me to be the highest, most authentic version of myself.
I promise to let every part of me be seen, known, and loved.
I promise to use my energy to create, trust, give, grow, and heal.
I promise never to lessen or shrink myself for anything or anyone.
I promise to lean into gratitude, even during the hard moments.
I promise to trust my body's wisdom, and listen when it speaks to me.
I promise to fearlessly allow myself to shine, even in the darkest of moments.
I promise that when I get caught in a rainstorm I will not wither, instead I will bloom.
As I skim this list, I go...I do that often or crap, I never do that at all and probably wont, knowing my personality. Funny how it's so different for all of us you know?
This is lovely. So positive. Promises to ourselves are not often made, only promises to others. I can learn from this. Thank you x