Healing frequencies, also known as Solfeggio frequencies, are a set of tones that are believed to have specific healing and transformative effects on the mind, body, and spirit. Whilst the scientific evidence supporting the direct healing effects of these frequencies is limited, some people find them to be beneficial for relaxation, meditation, and manifesting intentions. Here are some commonly recognised healing frequencies:
174 Hz: This frequency is associated with pain relief, stress reduction, and helps clear unwanted Karmic energy.
285 Hz: It is believed to help with healing and repairing tissues, as well as rejuvenation and immune system boosting.
396 Hz: Known as the frequency of liberation from guilt and fear, it aims to facilitate the release of "negative" emotions, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs - allowing you to feel more safe, secure and grounded. Can also be used for the Root Chakra.
417 Hz: This frequency is associated with facilitating positive change, breaking old patterns, and undoing negative influences. Can also be used for the Sacral Chakra.
528 Hz: This is believed to promote emotional balance and transformation through gratitude, courage and self-belief. Can also be used for the Solar Plexus Chakra.
639 Hz: This frequency is associated with fostering connections, enhancing relationships, and promoting forgiveness and harmony. Can also be used for the Heart Chakra.
741 Hz: It is believed to help with detoxification of "negative" energy, and promote deep cell cleansing so we can recognise our genuine selves. Can also be used for the Throat Chakra.
852 Hz: This frequency is associated with awakening intuition, expanding consciousness, and returning to spiritual order. Can also be used for the Third Eye Chakra.
963 Hz: Known as the frequency of Divine connection, it is believed to enhance spiritual growth, oneness, and a deeper understanding of the Universe. Can also be used for the Crown Chakra.
These frequencies are often incorporated into music compositions, binaural beats, and sound healing practices. It's important to note that the effects of healing frequencies can vary from person to person, and their use should be approached with an open mind and as a complementary practice to other forms of well-being and manifesting techniques. We have provided you with a piece of healing frequency music as part of your specific manifestation, but others can be found on our YouTube channel.