As a Witch, or Magick user, a powerful tool for manifestation is using Spellcraft. We know how to connect to energy, manipulate it, and send it in the direction we wish - with the intention we want. So this is perfect for manifesting your desires. To cast a manifestation spell yourself, here are some ideas for you to think about and try:
Try keeping track of the Moon cycles. When the moon is New, it's an optimal energy to set an intention. And when the moon is Full we can release any blockages, or let go of anything that's no longer serving us. Following these basic Moon cycles can get you into a good rhythm for manifesting.
Altar building. You can dress your Altar to embody all of what you desire from your manifestation spell. Use an Altar cloth of the colour which represents your wish, symbols (such as money if you are asking for financial abundance or something which represents the job of your dreams), and even photos or a manifestation board you have created.
Candle Magick. You may dress and choose your candle specifically based on your intentions, such as using a particular colour and dress it with oil and herbs. Depending how long you would like the candle to burn and if it is a long-term spell, will determine the size of the candle you may require. A taper candle is usually the best choice for a standard spell.
Herbs. These are an excellent resource so choosing the herbs that not only affirm manifestation but also connect with your specific desire, would be an excellent addition to any manifestation spell. Good herbs for any type of manifesting would be chamomile flowers or cloves (for increased spell potency!)
Once you have completed your spell however, it is important to work towards just stepping back from the intention. If you stay hyper-focused on it, it can often interfere with the Magick. Let it go, and see how it unfolds.
We regularly cast a positive abundance (to cover all manifestation types) spell for everyone on this course - see the post on the forum to see when our next one is.

Here are some examples for what you can use depending on what you are trying to manifest, however there are many more! Some also cross over and can be used for more than one thing.
This is fabulous for me as a novice spellcaster. So much to work with and actually affirming some of what I sort of do anyway. Big confidence boost thank you so much xx💗🙏🏻💗xx
Oh wow. Thank you for your spell casting. What a beautiful thing to do. I will try to join in real time but if not will there be a catch up? xx💗🙏🏻💗xx
Thank you for this guide, for those of us who are still working on spell work as a struggle for themselves. My OCD and fussiness often get in the way and I can go down a rabbit hole of what I think I "need" something to look like. Then I get discouraged and don't do it b/c everything isn't "perfect". Good grief.
I have been thinking to create a wealth spell lately so this gives me some great tools to build something thankyou 😊