The Chakra system is said to have originated in India between 1500 and 500 BCE. It was first mentioned in the ancient text called the Vedas, which introduces the seven primary Chakras. Chakra is defined as a spinning wheel of energy that runs up the spine to the top of the head. Concepts of the seven Chakras came to the Western world in the 1880s from Yoga philosophy, and have become a popular focus for many spiritual and holistic healers.
In Sanskrit, the Solar Plexus Chakra is called the Manipura Chakra, which translates to "lustrous gem." As the third Chakra, the Solar Plexus governs confidence, self-esteem, courage, discipline and empowerment. When energy flows freely through this Chakra, individuals may experience heightened self-expression and self-belief. This helps people to more likely persevere, and have a deeper understanding of their purpose in life.
Physical symptoms of a blocked or imbalanced Solar Plexus can be:
Pancreas, liver, stomach, small intestine or gallbladder issues.
A weak core.
Upper digestion problems, such as intolerances, indigestion or nausea.
Over or under a healthy weight.
Mental or emotional symptoms:
Emotional or disordered eating.
The need to be "in control" all the time.
Negative self image, body dysmorphia, obsessions or compulsions.
Low self-esteem.
Alcohol or food addictions.
The Solar Plexus and its "Shadow" side
Shame is one of the biggest emotions that impact our self–esteem, as well as how we view ourselves as a person, our value and our personal achievements. The world around us provides feedback for the things we do well and either subtly, or openly, discourages us from pursuing our "weaknesses." Well-meaning adults praise and encourage particular achievements or characteristics, rather than the person as a whole, inadvertently moulding them into someone who is always going to seek approval. Over time we emphasise those characteristics, behaviours, and qualities that we are validated for and we instinctively choose to hide our perceived vulnerabilities, flaws, and imperfections. This can lead to a warped sense of self which makes us feel confident on one level because we are defining ourselves by the things we are positively acknowledged for, however it is incomplete because we're excluding all of our insecurities. Shame keeps us small.
This leaves us with a fear that those less welcome traits or behaviours will be somehow exposed, so we don't step outside our comfort zones. It can also lead us to be driven by perfectionism or outside validation, and makes us very self-judgmental and critical. It's a protective mechanism and it may have served us well earlier in life, but it comes with huge limitations. It keeps us incomplete, yet tells us we are not enough. It drives our pursuit of perfection, yet says we are not worthy. It tells us the things we really want in life are not possible, so why bother trying?
The gift of the Solar Plexus Chakra is the power of self-acceptance, and to heal those wounds so that we can move from judgment to worthiness. Self-acceptance is about identifying all the things we judge ourselves harshly for and welcoming them back in. It's also about acknowledging that all the things we judge others for are reflections of the parts of ourselves in hiding. Releasing shame regarding your authentic self wields an incredible power, and once you ignite that power your confidence in your authentic self will be unshakable.
The Solar Plexus and manifestation
We focus more on the Solar Plexus in regards to manifestation, as we see this as our "Power Centre" and it is so often one of the places of issue when someone is struggling to manifest their desires - especially if you're trying to manifest a fulfilling career. This is how we create and ignite power into our wishes, from this space in our upper abdomen where our self-acceptance and esteem lives. But this does mean that some healing work on those situations that have lowered your self-esteem will likely come up, for it's difficult to address these issues without thinking about what caused them in the first place.
If the Solar Plexus is where our power of manifestation lives, it is an important space in our energy body to concentrate some healing onto throughout this process to ensure your success. Here are some ways to support the balancing process of the Solar Plexus in regards to manifestation and boosting your self-esteem:
Engage with the colour yellow: yellow is connected to this part of our energy body, and I think we can all agree this colour brightens up the space around it. It exudes a sunny vibration, lifting spirits and mood, it also asserts your body in the physical environment as you stand out from the crowd. This will help boost your self-esteem on a conscious and subconscious level. So wear, decorate with or even eat this colour, and it will help you to connect to your Solar Plexus Chakra.
Self-reflection: take time to reflect on your personal power and self-confidence. Consider any areas in your life where you may be lacking in these aspects, and explore the underlying causes.
Embrace your authentic self: honor your true self and embrace your uniqueness. Avoid seeking validation from others, and instead focus on living authentically and aligning with your own values and passions.
Exercise: some specific Solar Plexus routines will be especially helpful, such as our Solar Plexus Yoga routine on our YouTube channel. Exercise which works your core will be perfect - vinyasa Yoga, martial arts and Pilates are good examples of this.
Practice visualisation and meditation: such as visualising a glowing yellow ball of energy at the upper abdomen. Imagine it becoming brighter and more powerful with each deep breath. Or engage in guided meditations specifically focused on balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Build your self-esteem: cultivate self-love and acceptance through positive self-talk, and acknowledge your achievements and strengths. Surround yourself with supportive and uplifting people who can do the same.
Use positive affirmations: repeat, or listen to, positive affirmations that are related to personal power and self-confidence such as, "I am strong and capable," "I deserve success," and "I am worthy of love and respect." You can even record yourself and listen to it back as an act of positive self-talk.
Push that comfort zone: this doesn’t have to be scary, or even risky, but proving to yourself you can do things that you would normally avoid will show you what you are capable of and improve your self image. This is entirely personal - it could be anything from changing up your morning routine, taking a different route to work, or signing up to a new course.
Practice self-empowerment: engage in activities that make you feel empowered and confident. This could include pursuing your passions, setting and achieving goals, or asserting yourself in healthy ways.
Say "no" more: this one can be especially difficult for many of us, but is an essential part of raising your self-esteem and understanding your value. The act of saying "no" not only draws clear boundaries with others but in this case, the idea behind it is about putting more value on yourself and your energy which affirms on an energetic level that you are powerful and important in this world! You deserve good things; you deserve to be appreciated and heard.
Seek professional guidance: if you're struggling to heal your Solar Plexus Chakra or are experiencing persistent imbalances, then consider seeking guidance from an energy healer, Reiki practitioner, or other holistic practitioner who specialises in this work. You may benefit from booking our spiritual healing sessions so that we can work through this together.
Remember that working with Chakras is a personal journey, and it's essential to listen to your intuition and adjust the practices to suit your needs and comfort level. Regular practise and self-awareness will help you balance your Solar Plexus Chakra over time, as consistency is the key to having a healthy energy body as a whole.

This whole journey resonates so deeply with me. I am aware I have much healing to do in this area and I’ve ignored or buried it for far too long. I feel empowered to meet with my issues, and make efforts to accept them once again. I am worthy. I deserve to be seen and heard. Thank you for this whole course. It’s so powerful xx🔥💗🙏🏻💗🔥xx
Shame keeps us small....WOW, that is so powerful and so true. I was not meant to be small. I have been working to take back my power. To remember how much of a bad ass bitch (sorry if that offends anyone, that is not my intent) I am and have always been. I come from a line of very strong and powerful women and I am NO different except, they had some close mindedness, so I will shine even brighter. I will be bigger and better. And I will work on it every day to make that change and see that progress 💛