Join us for a beautiful 7-day cleansing and restoration commitment to our heart centres. Perfect for Empaths who are often exhausted and struggle to balance their emotions, or are incredibly overwhelmed. If you can relate, then you would greatly benefit from giving your heart some long awaited and deserved TLC.
You can expect to step into heart healing every day through cleansing music, meditations, Usui Reiki, somatic Yoga, group sessions, videos, and a safe space to find peace and solace. Facilitated by Luna Nyx, emails will be sent to you daily throughout the week for you to engage with. KO-FI GOLD STAR MEMBERS WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY INVITED FOR FREE AND DO NOT NEED TO REGISTER.
7-Day Heart Restoration Programme
This is taking place in June 2025. The link will be emailed to you before the event starts.
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